Bashir playing with fire

I AM surprised that President Omar Al Bashir who was indicted early this year by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes and genocide in Darfur is still traversing African and Arab states as if nothing can happen to him.
This is tantamount to mocking the ICC.
President Bashir should humble himself before  the world community, the UN and the ICC with the aim of sorting out this indictment.
The ICC and its members will one day pounce on him.
Like the late Saddam Hussein’s case, the rest will be for history books to tell.
Some kind of plea bargaining, lambasting the ICC by some Arab League and African Union member states on behalf of President Omar Al Bashir will not help the president, just like the pleas made by Muslim leaders did not stop the US from invading Iraq.
Athembo Onyuro

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