After a Perilous Long Journey the Revolutionary Sudanese People Seem at Last Nearing Peace

After a Perilous Long Journey the Revolutionary Sudanese People Seem at Last Nearing Peace

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

I thought it is necessary to report some cautionary remarks before delving into the subject matter for this article. The acceleration of events after the 19th of December 2018 has made it difficult to confirm what can happen in the Sudanese political arena, which is tense where some components of the political parties are restlessly running to reap the fruits of the revolution early before its maturity. Nevertheless,  and despite all that there is great hope for the people  Sudanese in reaching at least to some of their aspirations if the political elites tried reflecting to the dire political situation prior to the Glorious December Revolution. The political Parties should feel some hardships which the majority of people of the Sudan still continue to suffer such as the scarcity of living commodities and the prohibitively high prices and scarcity of basic goods and the presence of remnants of the ousted regime, which work counter-revolution through the so-called deep state. Let alone the series of theatrical type trials of the Deposed Omer al-Bashir’s crimes of Corruption in isolation from the atrocious Crimes of war, crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing and  Genocide that awaiting his arrest warrant,Issued since 2009 and this recidivist criminal Omar al-Bashir who remains fugitive from international justice.

It is noteworthy that in announcing his New Government on 5 September 2019, Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk said, “We are starting a new phase in our history today, stressing that “the most important priorities of the Transitional Period is to Stop the war and Build Peace.” Peace has been at the forefront of 19th December 2018 Popular Victorious Revolution which started Peaceful under the Distinctive logo and chanting Slogan: (Freedom, Peace and Justice) and the Sudanese Revolutionaries, young and old, men and women did not at any time respond by using force during the oppression and repression that lasted for three lean decades under the ruling regime of political Islamof the International Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM), the Khartoum branch, led by the fugitive from the International Justice and the Génocidaire, currently deposed and in custody and being tried on corruption charges , Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir in whose home millions of US dollars  have been found Stored in boxes. It is really ironic and a paradox where the Sudanese citizen Magdy Mohamed Ahmed Mahgoub was executed by hanging in December 1989 just 6 months after the National Islamic Front (NIF) Military Coup d’état , for possessing an inheritance Money left by his late Father amounting to some thousands of  US Dollars in the family Safe.

And then joined Magdi the Sudanese co-pilot named Girgis al-Gus Boutros who was brought before the court. The charge was the sabotage to the national economy and violation of the Foreign Exchange Act.

On his arrival to Juba, the Capital of South Sudan, on Thursday September 12, 2019, in his First Foreign Visit since his appointment as a Prime Minister of Sudan, Dr. Abdalla Hamdok had a meeting with the South Sudan President Salva Kiir Mayardit. At the juncture, the News media outlets indicated that Hamdok said upon his arrival: “I am very delighted to be here in my Second Home, Juba. We are looking for a very strategic, very distinguished relationship between our two nations, and the sky is the limit for this relationship.”

On the other hand, and worth mentioning, that the  Sudan’s New Civilian Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok when he was sworn in on Wednesday as leader of a Transitional Government, he vowed to achieve Two important tasks which are sustainable Peace and Solving the Country’s Economic Crisis as his Government’s Priority.

Stopping the war and work to build a just, comprehensive and sustainable peace, has been on the top of the Ten Priorities of the Sudanese Transitional Civilian Government.

Unity of the various armed rebel groups in juba under the umbrella of Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) is considered a great leap towards the achieving peace in Sudan.  Thus, the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) groups announced from the South Sudanese capital Juba on Tuesday the reunification of the two factions of the rebel umbrella and decided to hand over the organization’s leadership to the head of the Sudan Liberation Movement-Transitional Council Dr. Hadi Idriss Yahia. According to the SRF spokesman, Dr. Mohamed Zakaria Faragalla, the Juba meetings picked Hadi Idriss Yahia as a Chairman, Malik Agar as his Deputy and Gibril Ibrahim as Secretary-General.

In another Major Step, the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) has congratulated the Sudanese people on the joining of the Sudan Liberation Forces (SPLA) led by Comrade Taher Hajar, one of the signatories to the Juba Declaration to build confidence and pave the way for peace. This positive step has ushered in Less than two days after signing understandings with the Sudanese government to build confidence, a prelude to negotiations. This unification will of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) factions will move Sudan towards a just sustainable peace and building a citizenship state without discrimination, as rightly indicated comrade Yasir Arman the Deputy leader of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SLM-N).

On the same important issue of peace, the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) said that it highly values the unity of the political opposition work and affirms that to the Sudanese political forces that its doors are open for them all to join to its matrix In support of peace, stability and good governance.

The Sudanese Prime Minister Dr. Abdalla Hamdok met with the leaders of the armed movements – aka- Movements of Armed Struggle (MAS) in Juba on Thursday evening in the presence of the South Sudanese officials, when he discussed the efforts of the Transitional Authority and his newly appointed Cabinet and the Sovereign Council to bring about Comprehensive Sustainable Peace to all parts of Sudan and create an environment conducive for a democratic transition.

The Unity of the Sudanese Armed Struggle Movements in the South Sudan Capital Juba has been an advanced step to work hard to advance the sustainable peace demands, which include the final cessation of war, the release of prisoners of war, the search for the whereabouts of missing persons during war and the fulfillment of the rights of internally displaced persons and refugees, including their return to their homes. And their lands occupied by the groups brought by the deposed regime gang from the neighboring African countries during the absurd wars imposed on the inhabitants of Darfur, South Kordofan and Southern Blue Nile, while providing the necessary liabilities to these citizens and compensating them.

We need to reflect on the fact that the previous meetings held in Addis Ababa, Cairo and Juba went on to complete the slogans of the revolution by placing the issue of peace at the top of the political agenda, and the Juba Declaration and its issues are an important breakthrough in the peace process.Furthermore, the Sudanese people valued the good spirit that prevailed in the meetings of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front in all its components with the delegation of the Sovereignty Council headed by General Mohamed Hamdan Dugulu Hemedti, and the meeting with the Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk and affirms its commitment to all agreed on peace as one of the top priorities of the victorious Sudanese Revolution December.

Moreover, Ababa, Cairo and Juba went on to complete the slogans of the revolution by placing the issue of peace at the top of the political agenda, and the Juba Declaration and its issues are an important breakthrough in the peace process.

Nevertheless, one stage of the December 19th 2018Revolution, the armed struggle components felt they have been let down by the Forces for the Declaration of Freedom and Change as though there was something hidden in the corridors that did not look right in the form of “Anti-Sudanese Revolutionary Front (RSF) and againstSustainable Peace. However, there was success of the meetings at the South Sudan Capital Juba where unificationof the rebel movements took place under the support of the President Salva Kiir Mayardit.

The Sudanese people valued the good spirit that prevailed in the meetings of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front in all its components with the delegation of the Sovereignty Council headed by General Mohamed Hamdan Dogolo Hamidti, and the meeting with the Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk and affirms its commitment to all agreed on peace as one of the top priorities of the victorious Sudanese Revolution December

In this context, the Sudanese people in the war zones should finally appreciate and welcome the recent goodwill and sincere endeavors to coordinate between the two parties of the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) -North, of Agar, and that of Abdel-Aziz Al-Helu faction in order to reach an honorable agreement for the people of the two regions in the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile Ingassana and Sudan in general and address the roots causes of absurd war for reaching a fair, comprehensive and urgent peace that addresses the outstanding issues caused by the absurd warsover the past decades.

It is noteworthy to scrutinize the contents of the report Khartoum by JadaL-Rab Ebeid and Osman El – Taher that the Member of the Sovereign Council, Mohamed Hassan Al-Ta’ayshi, revealed new details about their negotiations with the Armed Movements in South Sudan capital Juba, and confirmed that they agreed to make great concessions to achieve peace that addresses the roots of war in the country. At a symposium organized by the Association of Darfur Media and Journalists entitled Peace in the Friendship Hall yesterday, we completed the file of opening humanitarian aid tracks in one session, at a time when the previous regime was unable to agree on them in 16 rounds, stressing their firm conviction to reach peace. Furthermore, Mohammed HassanAl-Ta’ayshi revealed the sovereign request of the South Sudan leader Dr. Riek Machar to go with them to South Sudan, although he is under house arrest in Khartoum by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and he continued saying: (We determined to Achieve Peace between Dr. Riek Machar and President Salva Kiir and he reiterated his firmness to move towards that vital destinationthat guarantees Peace for the South Sudan which is no doubt Peace for Sudan).

This is in accordance with the principles for which the Sudanese people have risen up, namely for Freedom, Peace, Justice and the establishment of an exonerated experience from all the shortcomings of the past. The chairs are only for competencies that advance the country to the dreams of its youth and not offered as jobs based on Quotas as if they were the privatization jobs that have affected SudanDisastrously for three lean decades.

One finds himself fully convinced that the chants of the Revolutionary Sudanese masses during the sit-in in front of the General Command of the Sudanese army in the Capital Khartoum were sincere chants the echoed and saying:” All the Country is Darfur)! Taking all that into consideration, one remains very much convinced that the people who suffered the ravages of the war of attrition in Darfur, the Nuba Mountains, southern Blue Nile, and Ingassana, the people of eastern Sudan in Kassala, Port Sudan, the Nubians in northern Sudan, and the People in the irrigated Al Gezeera project in the Central region will receive their rights as Sudanese citizens.

One finds himself fully convinced that the chants of the Sudanese masses during the sit-in in front of the General Command of the Sudanese army were sincere chants saying all the country is Darfur – All of Us are Darfur, being the Chant.

In this revolutionary atmosphere, we as Sudanese should be organized under the banner of one Sudanese homeland without suspicion and the epidemic of feeling of betrayed. Now that the long-time Dictator Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir is in custody in Kober Prison, he is being tried for crimes of possession of millions of dollars at his home. He is also awaiting the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, the Netherlands for the crimes he has perpetrated against the Sudanese civilian citizens in the region of Darfur, and his corrupt entourage is as well awaiting similar fate as there is no chance for impunity and scape from accountability.

The currently ousted regime of the political Islam aka International Muslim Brotherhood Movement (MBM), the Khartoum branch spent Thirty failed odd lean years in power without making any tangible efforts to make Sudan an economic power house. Instead, it made Sudan a country that runs from one evil axis to another during its begging quest. The saddening outcome has been misery, Poverty, absurd wars waged against civilian citizen populations in the hinterlands of the country. Heinous crimes have been perpetrated by the order of the Génocidaire, Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir using his ruthless paramilitary recruits, better known as Popular Defence Forces (PDF), the Janjaweed nomadic tribal Militias along with Mercenaries from the Neighbouring African counties. This crisis forced the survivors of that Holocaust to flee their land and homes either into makeshift dwellings for the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) or crossing the boarders seeking refuge in a nearby Country mainly Chad, Central African Republic (CAR) while the surviving Youth went on a trek across the Mediterranean Sea becoming prey for the Human Traffickers or drowning when the dilapidated Rubber Boats Cap-sight. The Survivors would seek a European (EU) Nation to hopefully becoming refugees aka Asylum seekers.

There is no end to the daily events of the December 2018 Sudanese Revolution. One would say that was destroyed by the demolition pick during 30 lean years is not easy to repair in a short period estimated as ten months since the outbreak of the Glorious Revolution of the people of Sudan.

We, the people of Sudan, should mention some of the achievements of the glorious December 2018 revolution. We must point out the formation of the Sovereign Council and the Council of Ministers, the formation of the Peace Commission. The parties in Sudan have also agreed to “resume peace negotiations in mid-October 2019 in the South Sudan Capital Juba and reach a comprehensive agreement by December. And let us point to the arrest of the symbols of the deposed regime of the National Islamic Congress Party (NCP) the Génocidaire Omer Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir and his prosecution for the crime of financial corruption, and he is still detained in Kober prison. The rest will come straight and the Sudanese Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdouk will attend the meetings of the United Nations Organization in New York as the representative of Sudan and will present Sudan’s speech for the first time in 30 years. And the rest of the aspirations will come straight, God Willing. So Let us continue our quest to march to achieve longings with some slow downing and keeping altruistic position and respect for the rights of our other compatriots.

Albert Einstein the German-born theoretical physicist who developed the Theory of Relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics and His work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science, he has been quoted as saying:I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.!

Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is


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