A witness of its people

A witness of its people
By Ali  Arshain
The Government of National Salvation has always refuted accusations from the international community that has inflamed the screams and ignite war in the Horn and Central Africa. Not content with that and the whole world saw genocide against Darfour and how homeless women and children. Now, without shame and shyness Sudan presidential advisor Dr. Mustafa Osman declares to one Sudanese newspapers that the Sudanese government is supporting the Chadian opposition, to recognize that the Sudanese government that it was not satisfied homeless and starving people of Darfur, but they want displacement also for Chad.
And recognizes the Sudanese government and support it is fomenting conflicts in the region, which is contrary to all international norms, even contrary to the creation of the Sudanese people, known for always peaceful people. And Takeda to plant a kind of sedition again between the north and south Sudan’s ruling party abstained in the Sudan to attend the Mautamr parties held in the capital of southern Sudan.
As if they denies their existence the Government of Southern Sudan. The president spoke by the Sudanese ruling party conference last week, noting that the Darfur problem had been solved and this year a year of peace in Darfur, H’ve forgotten, Mr. President, that the adviser spoke a few days later underlined support for the Chadian opposition, which seems a declaration of an imminent war between Sudan and Chad, how will survive and be in the Darfur peace if The Government of National Salvation send more arms and ammunition to Darfur,. If Khartoum government Does not stop what they doing it will be a long war between two brothers.
Ali  Arshain
Friday 2/10/2009
[email protected]

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