Sudan’s Bashir renews attack on New Dawn charter

Sudan’s Bashir renews attack on New Dawn charter

(Sudan Tribune)  Sudanese president Omer Hassan al-Bashir again blasted opposition parties for signing what is known as the “New Dawn” charter saying that it will be combated using the Quran.  The deal signed last week between most major Sudanese opposition parties and armed rebel movements affirm the common goal of toppling the regime though the signatories disagreed on means to achieve that.  Bashir, speaking at The Holy Quran award in Khartoum, described the charter as the “False Dawn” and called for confronting its proponents.  The Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) which is comprised of the armed movements issued a statement yesterday saying that they formed a committee that will be tasked with raising awareness about the charter among opposition parties and civil society, following up on the status of signatories and monitoring the situation pertaining to those detained after signing the agreement in Uganda.

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JPSC Meeting to Resume Today in Addis Ababa

(Sudan Vision) Meetings of the Joint Political and Security Committee between Sudan and South Sudan (JPSC) is to resume today in Addis Ababa, with the Sudanese side chaired by defense minister Lt. Gen. Abdul Rahman Mohamed Hussein. JPSC rapporteur, Al Muiz Farouq Mohamed, said the meeting will listen to a report by UNISFA’s force commander on the status of implementation of redeployment and withdrawal from areas lying north of 1.1.1956 border: Mile 14, Samaha, Bahr el Arab station and Regreig area in the Blue Nile. The force commander will also brief the meeting on measures relating to the buffer zone. The meeting will also look into the evidence needed to be produced by South Sudan to ensure disengagement with rebels, he said. The meeting will also approve the matrix relating to the implementation of security arrangements between the two countries, he added.

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Four Chinese workers kidnapped in Darfur

(Sudan Tribune) Four Chinese were among fifteen workers at a road company taken hostage at gunpoint in Sudan’s volatile Darfur region, an official said on Sunday.  The unidentified assailants abducted the Chinese along with eleven Sudanese colleagues late in al-Kouma locality near the North Darfur capital El-Fasher. They were all working for China’s Poly Group Corporation.  No one claimed responsibility for the abduction.  Sudan official news agency (SUNA) reported that an 18-vehicle military convoy was now in pursuit of the kidnappers. The latest incident has again highlighted the perils facing foreign overseas workers in the restive region where a number of NGO workers and peacekeepers have been the target of abductions since 2009.

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SPLM-N Confirm Fresh Attacks in South Kordofan

(All Africa, Sudan Tribune) Sudan people’s Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N) confirmed attacks on the positions of the Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in different areas located east of the capital of South Kordofan State last Friday but denied that the army killed 50 of its fighters.Al-Sawarmi Khaled, SAF spokesperson said on Friday that the SPLM-N shelled Hamra and El-Ahmier, 15 kilometres east of Kaduglei before to launch a ground attack on Hamra. He added that the Sudanese troops repulsed the assailant and killed 50 rebels besides destroying four tanks. In a statement he emailed to Sudan Tribune on Saturday, SPLM-N spokesperson Arno Londi said they shelled three positions, Hamra, El-Ahmier and Seref which is located inside Kadugli. He further said their forces launched a ground attack on SAF positions in El-Ahmier.

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