LAn SRF Military Statement….iberation of Tabun, Karkade and Tabaldi Oil Field in South Kordofan

 The Sudan Justice and Equality Movement (JEM)

[email protected]

 Liberation of Tabun, Karkade and Tabaldi Oil Field in South Kordofan

An SRF Military Statement

The SRF gallant forces of JEM and SLM Unity succeeded today, July 23rd 2012 to liberate the Towns of Tabun, Karkade and Tabaldi Oil Field, South Kordofan.  SAF and their allied militias have been driven out of these bases altogether.


Our forces captured 26 armoured vehicles, 10 transport trucks in addition to their entire military and logistical supplies. 


Long live our struggle for justice and equality




General / Badawi Mosa Al-Sakin

The military spokesman for JEM, South Kordofan – the liberated territories







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