The Sudanese government security forces kidnap two Darfurians students

Urgent – Sudan
The Darfur Democratic Forum (DDF) follows up with deeply concern the kidnapping of two Darfurian students on Thursday 1st October 2009 from their homes in Al Hasahisa city (Al Gazeera State) by the government security forces in assistance of Colonel: Abdelazeem Basheir the Chief of Police in Al Hasahisa locality, they located them in unknown place. That is after one month for the kidnapping of the Darfurian Human rights Activist Mr. Abdelmageed Salih who is still live at the prison in Khatoum – Kober without trial.
The students who they kidnapped are Glal Eldin Alsadig Mohamed Ali and Yousif Haroun Yousif, for the reason of they were organized a public political calling in Faculty of Education in Al Hasahisa (Algazeera University), they belong to United Popular Front (UPF) which is presiding by Mr. Abdelwahid Nour.
The DDF is concerned about the human rights violations which occur on the human rights activists (Darfurians in particular) in Sudan, and calls upon the Sudanese government to adhere to the International conventions that ratified upon.
Meanwhile, it should be noted that the kidnapping of Mr. Glal Eldin and Mr. Yousif in fact, represents a clear violation to the International conventions that ratified by Sudan , especially Article (9) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which pertaining to the arbitrary arrest.
The DDF is deeply condemns such acts against the prisoners and detainees in Sudanese prisons and affirms that it’s a violation to the International Human Rights law, especially Article (10) of the same covenant, which states explicitly that “All persons deprived of their liberty shall be treated with humanity and with respect for the inherent dignity of the human person”.
In this regard, The DDF calls upon the Sudanese government for:
1. The immediate release of Mr. Alsadig and Mr. Yousif unconditionally.
2. The need to respect the International conventions which related to the civil and political rights as well as strengthen the freedoms.
Darfur Democratic Forum (DDF)
Communication and Information Office
E-mail:[email protected]
Working Just for better life in Darfur
Working for International Justice

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