Importance of January the First 2020 for the Sudanese People

Importance of January the First 2020 for the Sudanese People

By Mahmoud A. Suleiman

This article comes today, Wednesday the first of the month of January 2020, which marks the date of birth for the Surviving Older Generation of Most Sudanese men and Sudanese women, especially those who were born in hinterland rural areas, where there were neither certified midwives nor government health services to get real birth certificates where the child’s parents later on, as the time approaches the age of starting schooling for their child, have to get what is referred to as Age Estimation Certificate from a Medical Doctor who would examine the child physically to determine and decide the age of the child which usually begins on the first day of the month of January that alsocoincides the date on which Sudan was declared as independent country 64 years ago as of today’s date -01 01 2020, from the Anglo-Egyptian Condominium colonialism on Sunday the First of January 1956. Based on this important event, the Sudanese people wonder today, on this first day of the month of January 2020, as to what the FateDestiny and the Unseen conceal, God willing, for them this year which has come after the Glorious Popular Revolution of the Nineteenth of December 2018, which continued during the whole year 2019 to cleanse Sudan of the crimes and dirt of the National Congress Party (NCP) regime. The (NCP) regime ruled Sudan through its corrupt oppressive militarycoup d’état and committed crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of genocide. The Génocidaire remained at large fugitive from international justice in The Hague in the Netherlands since 2009 evading arrest warrants issued on 4thMarch 2009 and 10th July 2010 but he exploited the 30 years of Sudan’s life as a waste. This aforementioned criminal is Marshal Omar Hassan Ahmed Al-Bashir

And on this day, every Sudanese man and Sudanese woman wishes that the year 2020 will be a year of goodness, health, blessing, stability, love, freedom, peace, justice and welfare for all that is left of the people of Sudan after the forced secession of its people in the Southern region.

Currently, the Génocidaire Omer Hassan Ahmed al-Bashir has been put in a Correctional Reformatory Prison for his old Age following his conviction of a charge of crimes offinancial corruption, where millions of foreign currencies were found hidden in his home.

In these pivotal moments, one would like to extend warm greetings to the revolutionaries of the Sudanese people who declared the Popular Glorious  December 19th 2018 Revolution, and congratulate them on coming of the new year 2020, which will be warmly welcome by all of us, and we all hope for achieving comprehensive peace in all parts of the country, and we take this opportunity to all components of the Sudanese people for their commitment to loyalty to the obligations of patriotism and to achieving a comprehensive, just and full democracy. In this New Year, let us make it a year for humankind, change and development.

As all of us know in Sudan that the past year 2019 was a year full of accomplishments and major changes, which were represented in the fall and demise of the ruling regime ofwhat is called the annihilated Rescue, and this was without a shred of doubt a victory over the forces of darkness, injustice and reactionary which would not have been achieved without the participation of revolutionaries in the armed and civil struggle of the forces of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) and crowned by The Sudanese public made up of young, middle aged, women and men along with the struggles of the Forces of Declaration of Freedom and Change (FDFC) and especially after the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) participated in its formation and the rebirth of the Revolution.

While happily we bid farewell to the past year 2019 with joy of the revolutionary accomplishments that have been achieved, we at the same time we bid it a farewell with deep sorrow over the fall of innocent and defenseless civilians as victims in El Geneina, West Darfur State. Based and building on what is going on in El Geneina now, the Transitional Government of Sudan must intervene immediately and decisively to stop the bloodshed and impose state prestige as soon as possible and hold those involved in this heinous crime to account so that it does not happen elsewhere. Furthermore, and in these moments, we ask Allah Almighty to bestow mercy on all the defenseless, innocent martyrs who have fallen and console their grieving families, and declare our full solidarity with the wounded, and we wish them a speedy recovery. At the same time, we condemn in the strongest terms these terrible heinous crimes. It is needles to reaffirm the fact that we have gone miles searching for peace, which is the firm conviction, of all the components of the Sudanese people in addition to their deep belief in the unity of Sudan, which will not come without political agreement, which if it does not take place, we will remain in a state of dissonance, and this may lead to instability chaos and more fragmentation in the country. Everyone is now required to look at the cause of the country away from any partisan or personal gains.

In conclusion, one will repeat what was stated by the pen of the President of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front, that we in Sudan seek to achieve a comprehensive just peace, according to the Juba Declaration for Peace in Sudan. We are keen on making the New Year 2020 a year of peace and stability, while we send sincere warm congratulations out to the citizens of Sudan, the Christian brothers on the occasion of Christmas Festive and this New Year, and every year, hoping everyone with freedom, peace and justice.

Each New Year offers an exciting opportunity for a fresh start and new beginnings, which is probably why we all look forward to New Year’s Eve 2020 so much so!


William Shakespeare, the English poet, playwright, and actor who is widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world’s greatest dramatist, has been quoted as saying in The Merchant of Venice: “How far that little candle throws his beams! So shines a good deed in a weary world.


Poetic Words about translated Eid greetings;

With the breezes and flowers of the aromas, and with the musk winds, we give it to you, Happy Eid.

At the end of this article may I offer my heartfelt sincere Congratulations to the Sudanese people as a whole on the occasion of the 64th Anniversary of the Glorious independence and the First Anniversary of the Victorious “December the 19th 2018” Revolution, asking God Almighty to return it to our homeland, our people, our country, humanity and the World in Peace, stability and prosperity.


Dr. Mahmoud A. Suleiman is an author, columnist and a blogger. His blog is


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