Darfur: New displacement – first quarter 2014

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Increasing violence across Darfur has generated enormous additional humanitarian needs since early 2014. Hostilities and violence involving Government forces supported by the Rapid Support Force, a Government-affiliated militia, and armed movements in Darfur have expanded. The conflict is now being generalised across much of North and South Darfur, with limited spillover effects to Central, West and East Darfur states. Civilian populations bear the brunt of the recent hostilities and insecurity. Since the beginning of the year, 215,000 people have been displaced in Darfur. While some people returned to their places of origin, as of 24 March the number of newly displaced people stands at 196,000.

This scale of new displacements and the type of violence inflicted upon the civilian population are reminiscent of the early years of the Darfur conflict (2003 – 2005), when tens of thousands of civilians fled their homes and sought safety in makeshift camps, where most have since remained.

Large areas affected by this new wave of fighting remain inaccessible and in many instances the number of affected people can only be estimated. The needs of many people are yet to be met, as aid agencies are unable to reach these people. Similarly, thousands of vulnerable people in Eastern Jebel Marra, Um Dukhun in Central Darfur and Abu Karinka and Adila in East Darfur have been inaccessible for up to two years. Humanitarian access to affected areas in Darfur to assess the needs of affected people and deliver emergency assistance is the highest priority.

In view of the likelihood of more violent outbreaks of fighting throughout Darfur, humanitarian partners are urged to step up their preparedness and response capacities/plans and, if necessary, consider additional funding needs.

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:
To learn more about OCHA’s activities, please visit http://unocha.org/.

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