SUDAN PEOPLES’ LIBERATION MOVEMENT **Office of the Official Spokesperson*
*Date**; 21/11/013*
*SPLA/N regained control of Kaliny village*
SPLA/N forces of Sudan Revolutionary Front(SRF) in South Kordofan/ Nuba
Mountains state regained control of Kaliny village in Rashad County today
21/11/13 morning hours, after compelling NCP forces and militias from the
village, NCP forces and militias entered the village on 20/11/013 under
heavy cover of Arial bombardment and shillings on civilians targets, SPLA
forces who came from other area to rescue and protect the civilians clashed
with them and destroyed one mounted vehicle and inflicted heavy casualties
on the enemy, kiliny village is not military base for SRF forces, SPLA/N
forces is in control of the village and will continue chasing the remnants
forces to their bases and beyond.
Lt. Gen. Malik Agar C. in C. of SPLA/N and lt. Gen. Abdulaziz Alhilu chief
of staff and cde/ Yasir Arman SPLM/N SG and SPLA/N 1st front leadership
mjr.Gen Jagod Mkwar and mjr.Gen Izet Kuku, congratulate SPLA/N gallants
officers, CNSOs and privates and others SRF forces for the strong and big
victories achieved against the forces and militias of war criminals,
genocidal and ethnic cleansing regime, they reassure the stand of SPLM/A-N
with Sudanese people struggle in their just course and that the struggle
will continue by various means to uproot the NCP regime and create state
for equal citizenship for all Sudanese people and respect of human rights
and dignity.
*Arnu Ngutulu Lodi*
*SPLM/A-N official spokesman*