Plans to Topple Sudan Govt Gain Momentum

Plans to Topple Sudan Govt Gain Momentum

(Atlanta Black Star) Yousef al-Koda, leader of the Islamic Wasat (Central) Party, signed the New Dawn charter in Kampala, joining rebel groups and other political parties who had previously endorsed the document.  Malik Agar, head of the Sudanese Revolutionary Front (SRF) and al-Koda released a joint statement on Thursday confirming the information from Kampala, Uganda’s capital, where the charter was signed.  al-Koda affirmed to Radio Dabanga he went to Kampala following the invitation of New Dawn signatory parties “with an open mind and an open heart, wishing to join the charter”.  On his turn, Agar told Radio Dabanga al-Koda is “a real addition to the New Dawn Charter”, which he described as “a serious attempt to find answers about all Sudanese issues”.

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Arman: SPLA Unable to Topple Khartoum Regime Washington

(Sudan Vision) Yasir Arman said that the SPLA is not qualified to topple the government in Khartoum and furthermore that such a move would undermine the new government in South Sudan. He called for the international community to intervene in favor of change in Sudan.  Arman attacked the leaders in the Revolutionary Front belonging to Darfur rebels, accusing them of dividing opposition positions for racist purposes. Addressing representatives of some political opposition groups in Washington, DC,  Arman said that the position of the SPLM-N on negotiations with the Sudanese government is based on their obligation to negotiate in order to avoid pressure from the U.S. government and the international community, which supports negotiations.

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SPLA accuses Sudan army of attacking its positions in Upper Nile

(Sudan Tribune) A soldier from the South Sudanese army was killed in Upper Nile state in an alleged ground and air attacks by the armed forces of neighbouring Sudan on Saturday, the Southern military said.  According to Philip Aguer, the spokesperson of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA), Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) carried out surprise attacks on SPLA positions in the morning hours of Saturday in RenkCounty in northern part of Upper Nile state .  The early morning ground attack which took place between the areas of Babanis and Algoli was repulsed by the SPLA forces of Division One, he said, in which the attackers retreated.  The military officer said South Sudan’s army was capable of defending the territorial integrity of the country but it would wait for political decision before deciding on what further measures to take.  Khartoum consistently says that it does not bomb Southern territory but does attack rebels as they move from South Sudan across the border. Juba denies backing the SPLM-N rebels in the Blue Nile and South Kordofan, which in 2011 formed a coalition with the main Darfur rebel groups

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