The UAE in Sudan: Unraveling War Crimes and Chaos Under the Veil of Humanitarianism!*

*Hypocritical Humanitarianism*: The UAE’s facade of humanitarian aid is exposed by its covert support for the RSF, a paramilitary group responsible for widespread atrocities.
*Proxy Warfare*: The UAE’s strategy of using the RSF as a proxy force allows it to exert influence in Sudan without direct military involvement, reflecting a broader trend in Middle Eastern conflicts.
*Ethical Concerns*: The UAE’s provision of advanced military technology to the RSF raises ethical concerns about its complicity in war crimes and human rights violations. This Includes the ongoing killings and targeting of civilians in ElFasher by the militia, the latest being the killing of 11 civilians in the city through direct shelling of civilian areas.
*Geopolitical Ambitions*: The UAE’s involvement in Sudan is part of a broader strategy to establish itself as a regional power broker, often at the expense of local populations.
The ongoing genocidal war in Sudan has reached catastrophic levels, with millions displaced and countless lives lost. Amid this turmoil, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has emerged as a pivotal player, but not as a peacemaker. Instead, it has prolonging the conflict by covertly supporting the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a paramilitary group known for its brutal tactics and widespread atrocities. This article examines the UAE’s dual role in Sudan—posing as a humanitarian actor while simultaneously fueling the flames of war.
*The Mirage of Humanitarian Aid*
The UAE has positioned itself as a generous benefactor to Sudan, pledging millions in aid and presenting its actions under the auspices of the Red Crescent. However, investigations have revealed a darker reality. While the Emirates touts its humanitarian efforts, it is simultaneously using these initiatives as a facade for military operations. Drones launched from Emirati-controlled bases have been reported to guide weapons shipments to the RSF, blurring the lines between assistance and aggression.
The humanitarian crisis in Sudan cannot be overstated. With famine declared and millions on the brink of starvation, the UAE’s claims of aid ring hollow when juxtaposed against its actions. The RSF, armed and equipped with UAE-sourced drones and weaponry, has been implicated in the destruction of food supplies and the targeting of civilians. This contradiction raises critical questions about the UAE’s true intentions in the region.
*The Role of the RSF: A Mercenary Force*
The RSF was initially formed to protect former president of Sudan, ICC-indictee Omar al-Bashir and to fight in Darfur, but it has since morphed into a powerful paramilitary group with ambitions of its own by looting Sudan’s wealth. The UAE’s support has effectively transformed the RSF into a proxy force, allowing the Emirates to exert influence in Sudan without direct military involvement. This strategy of using local militias for geopolitical gain is not new; it reflects a broader trend in Middle Eastern conflicts where state actors manipulate non-state groups to achieve their objectives.
By providing advanced military technology and financial support to the RSF, the UAE has helped to entrench a violent faction that threatens not only Sudan’s stability but also the broader Horn of Africa. The RSF’s tactics—ethnic cleansing, indiscriminate shelling, and the targeting of civilians—have drawn international condemnation. Yet, the UAE continues to deny any wrongdoing, maintaining that it is merely a neutral actor wishing for peace, a lie that was exposed by many international reports and evidence of involvement in backing and supplying RSF with weapons.
*The Military-Industrial Complex: Drones and Weapons*
Recent reports indicate that the UAE has expanded its military capabilities in Sudan, utilising Chinese-made drones to enhance the RSF’s operational effectiveness. These drones have been deployed for reconnaissance and targeting, serving as “force multipliers” in a conflict that has already claimed tens of thousands of lives. The UAE’s military support for the RSF raises ethical concerns about the complicity of nations in war crimes and human rights violations.
The use of drones in warfare has transformed the nature of conflicts worldwide. In Sudan, these unmanned aerial vehicles have not only provided the RSF with critical intelligence but have also facilitated the smuggling of arms across borders. This operation has been likened to a “Potemkin aid operation,” where the UAE seeks to maintain a façade of humanitarianism while perpetuating violence.
*A Wider Geopolitical Game*
The UAE’s involvement in Sudan is part of a broader strategy to establish itself as a regional power broker. By backing the RSF, the Emirates are not only consolidating their influence in Sudan but also positioning themselves against rival powers like Iran and Turkey. The UAE’s actions reflect a calculated approach to reshape the geopolitical landscape of the Horn of Africa, often at the expense of local populations.
This power struggle has drawn in various international actors, complicating an already dire situation. The UAE supports the RSF, creating a chaotic battleground where foreign interests often overshadow the plight of the Sudanese people.
*The Call for Accountability*
The international community must hold the UAE accountable for its role in the Sudanese conflict. Humanitarian organisations have condemned the UAE’s actions as hypocritical, arguing that it cannot simultaneously claim to be a peace advocate while arming a group responsible for egregious human rights violations. The situation in Sudan demands a unified response from global powers, urging an end to the arms trade that fuels such conflicts.
American officials have begun to confront the UAE over its covert operations, yet these diplomatic weak to say the least as they are keep including this perpetrator as an “observer” in talks that are called peace talk which is a farce and an insult to the people of Sudan.
*Conclusion: A Call for Solidarity*
As the situation in Sudan continues to deteriorate, it is crucial for the global community to rally in support of the Sudanese people. The UAE’s actions exemplify how foreign interventions can exacerbate crises rather than resolve them. If the cycle of violence is to be broken, the international community must prioritize the voices of those most affected by the conflict—civilians enduring the brunt of war.
It is worth mentioning that one of the US Special Envoy to Sudan, Tom Perriello selected “observers” for the Geneva talks, namely UAE, has been consistently fuelling genocide in Darfur and war crimes in Sudan, desperately throwing everything they can to level ElFasher and its people. Tom has a lot to answer for.
The people of Sudan are let down by the international community, and this is not the first time. Urgent actions in the form of real accountability and genuine efforts to find alternative approaches to delivering aid supplies are essential.
The time has come for a collective stand against the exploitation of humanitarian crises for geopolitical gain. In solidarity with the Sudanese people, we must demand accountability and advocate for a genuine pathway to peace.
Darfur Union in the UK
X (formerly Twitter) handle: @darfurunionuk

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