Darfur Union in the UK: the Prosecution of our People through out Sudan by the GoS will never Deter The Masses from Pursuing Justice – The killing of Student Awad Allah Abbaker Adam; Invasion of IDP camp South Zalingei, Central Darfur

Darfur Union in the UK: the Prosecution of our People through out Sudan by the GoS will never Deter The Masses from Pursuing Justice – The killing of Student Awad Allah Abbaker Adam; Invasion of IDP camp South Zalingei, Central Darfur

The government of Sudan (GoS) has claimed peace and stability in the Darfur ‘are in place’ and has declared that the ‘war is over’. This lie was sold to the international community and under this banner the deployment of the Janjaweed militia/Rapid Speed Force in Darfur (as the main GoS force) was for the first time officially announced under the direct command of the Chief of Staff Omer Bashir, and their leader the criminal Hemiti was made to answer to Bashir and Bashir only. Since that day, our people in the region were under more persecution, and they were suffering from ethnic cleansing as the GoS tried all the methods to wipe them from the face of the earth:-
a) The use of chemical weapon in west Darfur (ref. 1)
b) Attacks on IDPs and villages, and the constant thread by officials to dismantle IDP camps in DARFUR (the latest been the statement from Governor of South Darfur Adam El-Fakki regarding the government of Sudan, GoS, plan to dismantle one of the largest IDP camps in DARFUR, Kalma, by force. He claimed that the image of the camp is not a good one and it does not reflect the vision GoS have for the region. The aforementioned will be done with out justice or peace).  The proceution of the marginalized person have extended beyond DARFUR, Blue Nike State and South Kordofan, only two days ago, 26th April 2018, in the El Gezira State, a camp for workers, most of whom belong to DARFUR region by origin was entirely burned and the government machines moved in to dismantle the remains for the area because the officials and their cronies are after the land (ref. 8).
c) Raping of the women and minors (ref. 2)
Torture of students in and outside the region , and the latest
d) Unlawful imprisonment
e) Force displacement of the masses by terrorising their existence
f) Demographic changes in the region (ref. 3)
g) the mysterious killing of Awad Allah Abbaker Adam, a student and the head of Wadi Salih Students Association. He was killed on Thursday 17th May 2018 and his body was found in in the Yarmouk district in the southern part of Khartoum. His was an activist and the manner of crime point the finger at the government militias that roam the universities and target anyone who dare to speak against injustice and oppression inflected by the regime on the civilians of Sudan.
h) Rapid Speed Force have forced entered the Khamsa Dagied IDP camp, south Zalingei, Central Darfur on Monday 21st May 2018. The militia is often execute such order of their commanders to spear fear in the area and to search for activists in IDP camps, in addition to looting the belongs of the deprived IDP camps residents. As a result of their latest invasion, live ammunitions were fired and one person was killed and several were injuries.
1. Magbola Jar Elnabi – 22 years old
Injured :-
1. Magdi Mohammed Hamid – 22 years old
2.  Abdel Alazim Suliman Mohammed – 29 years old
3. Amira Abdel Wahab Mohammed Adam – 16 years old
4. Um Zohour Gim Elseed – 30 years Old
5. Ezz Eldeen Haroun Adam Sangal – 81 years old
6. Mohammed Adam Mohammed Omer – 24 years Old
7. Anas Mohammed Ahmed – 12 years old
8. Salah Hassan Ali Khalil – 12 years old
9. Ibrahim Abdel Wahab Mohammed Adam – 20 years
10. Aisha Abdel Allah Siddig Gifa – 28 years
On the other hand the false convictions of NEVER AGAIN keep giving as the GoS has become the frontline force of Europe with regards of tackling migration from the Horn of Africa (ref. 6), where violation human rights is the common theme since the troops chosen to deal with the migrants crossing Sudan are the same ones committing genocide in DARFUR. So go figure.

As mentioned before in previous Darfur Union Correspondence, the regime is working day and night to execute their plan “b” for dealing with the situation in Darfur. The execution of the plan is an on-going, and it has now surfaced after Al-Bashir government managed to gather the precursors of their ultimate final product. The following steps are not listed in a chronologically order.

1. Masterminding and orchestrating  a vicious war in the Province

2. Impoverishment and systematic marginalisation of the Province

3. Committing crimes such as genocide and ethnic cleansing, plus promotion of fear to act as a deterrent against people in the region

4. Create divisions between the fabrics that make the Darfur community.

5. Mass enforced displacement of the original/ native population

6. Geographical division of the Province (three to five, as of Jan 2016)

7. From 2014-2018 a new waves of attacks across the region, after the government reform the Janjaweed and the Border Control militias under one umbrella. This new unit is known as the Rapid Speed Force (RSF). It is a notorious group known for committing crimes such as mass rape and killing against the civilians. This group has somewhat replaced the army and police and it operates above any existing laws and rules.

8. Dismantlement of the IDP camps across Darfur is one of the main objectives of the regime. As the existence of IDP camps acts as an evidence for all the atrocities committed by Bashir and his pro government militias.

9. Introducing demographic changes in the Province, where the pro government personals, brought to fight the war, will be rewarded with lands which were cleared by enforced displacement of the native residents.

This is a direct violation of IDP human rights and it signals the failures of the international community to apply pressure on Bashir regime to stop the aggression against the people of Sudan in Darfur.  GoS ultimate aim is to displace the native population and subsequently cause a forced demographic change in the region.
The accumulation of crimes over the last 14 years have lead to the indictment of the only sitting president in the world, Bashir, by the international criminal court (ICC, ref. 7), and the criminal is still at large.
Darfur Union in the UK among other civil society organisations plea to the UK government, US and EU and other major players in the international community to continue their efforts to end the suffering of our people by addressing the following:

Darfur Union in the United Kingdom calls upon the international community to put pressure on the government of Sudan to stop targeting the civilian population of Darfur.  To stop dismantling IDP camps there without an proper plan that ought to protect the rights of the people. We also appeal to Amnesty international and Human Right Watch to raise the case of the kidnapped persons and to document their cases, as this tend to guarantee them being alive in custody.

The peace process and negotiations needs an independent mediator. We ask major players (US, UK and EU) to be part of the process given Britain’s historic ties with Sudanand due to the current mediators seeming bias towards protecting dictatorships in the region.

We ask the international community to continue its support of the international criminal court and also should push countries not to receive President Bashir for visits. The UK should also urge the ICC to amend arrest warrants in light of recent atrocities and consider advocating for expansion of the mandate to include atrocities committed in South Kordofan, Blue Nile, and other parts of Sudan.  

Darfur Union in the UK is a civil body and an advocate of peace (true peace that is aligned with justice for the victims) and uses the stand to call upon all the parties to exercise restrain and to end the war now. Also the union calls the international community to make sure the GoS is not prosecuting the POW and to put pressure on the government to treat the POW according the Geneva Convention 1949 (Article 60 – The Treatment of Prisoners of War, ref.4)
The track record of the GoS and POW is not a good one since the days of the war waged by the Bashir against the people of the then the South, to the days of May 2008 and 2015 when POW were killed in South Darfur in captivity at the hands of GoS militias.
Also the union call upon the international community and the UNAMID forces on the ground to protect the civilians of the region, as the GoS and their militias tend to justify more heinous actions and retaliation especially after they suffered diplomatic humiliation after the de-invite of Bashir to the U.S.-Islamic World Forum on the back of the statement issued by the US Embassy in Khartoum (ref. 5). GoS continues to harbour terrorists and also it provides access and route for radicalised individuals from EU and other part of the world to reach the shores of ISIS (ref. 6).
Lest we forget the victims of the longest ongoing genocide.
Osama Mahmoud
Deputy Press Officer – Darfur Union in the UK
Website: https://darfurunionuk.wordpress.com
Twitter handle: @darfurunionuk
Ref. 1: Demographic Changes in Darfur Province and the Latest Report on Chemical Weapon usage in Darfur
Ref. 2: Bashir and his Janjaweed are Fighting Education in Darfur by All Means Necessary
Ref. 3: GoS Claims of ‘Absolute Security’ in Darfur is a Farce; Kidnapping, Forced Displacement and Demographic Changes are Ongoing
Ref. 4: Geneva Convention Relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War (Article 60)
Ref. 5: U.S. Embassy Khartoum Reiterates that the United States has made its Position with Respect to Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir’s Travel Clear
Ref. 6: UK – Sudan Relations – Interests vs. Atrocities and Human Rights Abuses
Ref. 7: The Prosecutor vs. Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir – ICC-02/05-01/09


Ref. 8:

Sudan: Arrests, injuries as village burned and bulldozed in El Gezira

A copy of this report plus the mentioned accounts will be sent to the following:

1) Office of International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor Fatou Bensouda,

2) The Sudans department, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

3) United Nation, UNAMID Central Press Office, Sudan

4) Office of Secretary General, United Nation

5) Office of Secretary General, African Union

6) US State Department, the Sudans’ Division.

7) Amnesty International

8) Human Rights Watch

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