منظمات حقوقية تبدي قلقها الشديد تجاه حالة حقوق الانسان في السودان

منظمات حقوقية تبدي قلقها الشديد تجاه حالة حقوق الانسان في السودان وترسل خطاباً عاجلاً الي مفوضية حقوق الانسان بالامم المتحدة
نيويورك,جنيف / وكالات
قال ناشط حقوقي سوداني مقيم في المنفي  في نيويورك ان ستة منظمات حقوقية سودانية ارسلت خطاب عاجل الي مفوضية حقوق الانسان بالامم المتحدة في جنيف تبدي قلها الشديد لحالة حقوق الانسان القاتمة في السودان, وقال عبدالمجيد صالح رئيس شبكة حقوق الانسان والمناصرة من اجل الديمقراطية (هاند) ان المنظمات الستة وقعت علي خطاب مشترك وارسلته
 الي السيدة / نافانثيم بيلاي مفوضة حقوق الانسان في الامم المتحدة تحثها للضغط علي الحكومة السودانية لوقف انتهاكات حقوق الانسان  فوراً والشروع في تنفيذ قرارات وتوصيات مجلس حقوق الانسان
وقال عبدالمجيد صالح ان السيدة نافانثيم بيلاي من المقرر ان تقوم بزيارة الي الخرطوم في 24 – 30 نوفمبر الجاري للالتقاء بالمسئولين السودانيين ونشطاء العمل المدني ومن غير المحتمل ان تقوم بزيارة دارفور وجبال النوبة والنيل الازرق نسبة للوضع المتردي لحقوق الانسان في هذه الاقاليم
ورسم عبدالمجيد صورة قاتمة لاوضاع حقوق الانسان في دارفور ,جبال النوبة , النيل الازرق والخرطوم وقال ان السودان اصبح سجن كبير للسودانيين وان الاف من نشطاء العمل المدني تم ابعادهم من السودان والبعض الاخر يقبع في سجون الحكومة السودانية
ووقع علي الخطاب مركز دارفور للعون والتوثيق بجنيف ,مجموعة تضامن دارفور ببروتوريا , منظمة نداء دارفور بهولندا ,اتحاد دارفور بهولندا,منظمة دارفور لحقوق الانسان بالولايات المتحدة وشبكة حقوق الانسان والمناصرة من اجل الديمقراطية بنيويورك

Ms. Navanethem Pillay
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
Palais Wilson
52 rue des Pâquis
CH-1201 Geneva, Switzerland.
Dear Ms. Pillay,
We are writing to you in view of your visit to Sudan and Darfur, scheduled to take place during the period 24 to 30 November 2012. Your forthcoming visit to Sudan comes at a crucial time and where serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian
law are being committed in the regions affected by armed conflicts, notably Darfur, the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile State. Your visit also comes at a time when other parts of the country, including the capital Khartoum witness serious regression in the area of the
protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and liberties. We note with regret that you will not be able to visit the Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile States due to the lack of security. This is revealing of the gravity of the situation and the suffering endured
by the civilian populations in those two regions.
Regarding the situation in Darfur, we wish to draw your attention to the work realized by the Group of Experts on Darfur, which was established by the Human Rights Council in March 2007 to follow-up implementation of existing resolutions and recommendations on Darfur. In its final report to the Council (A/HRC/6/19) dated 28 November 2007, the Experts Group expressed its concern on the seriousness of the violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in Darfur and prioritized 45 key recommendations to enhance the situation in the region. It further urged the Government of Sudan to implement these recommendations without delay. In his presentation before the 13th ordinary session of the Human Rights Council in March 2010, the Interdependent Expert on the human rights situation in Sudan (Justice Mohammed Chande Othman) indicated that out of the 45
key recommendations made by the Group of Experts only 4 were fully implemented, 11 partially implemented while 30 were not implemented at all. Once again in his report before the Council (A/HRC/18/40/Add.1) dated 22 August 2011, Justice Chande
concluded that the Government of Sudan has not taken any significant steps towards implementation of most of the  recommendations since his report to the Council in March
Dear Ms. Pillay,
We note that in compiling its final report, the Group of Experts worked in a transparent manner and in full cooperation with the Government of Sudan and concerned international partners. It is also noteworthy that Sudan made initial efforts and committed itself to implement the recommendations contained therein, which earned it praise from the Human Rights Council in its Resolution 6/35 of 14 December 2007. These facts should encourage your delegation in the forthcoming visit to Sudan to remind the Government about the need for full implementation of the recommendations of the Group of Experts and also to propose the establishment of a joint mechanism with the government to follow up and monitor the implementation thereof.
While we attach equal importance and urgency to all the unimplemented recommendations as outlined by the Independent Expert on the human rights situation in Sudan in aforementioned reports, we wish to call on you to accord special attention to the
growing phenomenon of rape and sexual violence against women and girls, which are largely believed to be committed by the security forces and the Janjaweed militiamen in Darfur. Rape, which can rightly be defined as an irreparable damage of the most sensitive
part of the women’s sensitive personality, is a crime abhorrent to the Islamic faith and to all canons of civilized life. A public denouncement by your delegation and the Government of Sudan of this crime and a commitment to bring the culprits to justice would be an important step in this direction.
Respectfully submitted.
1. Abdelbagi Jibril, Exertive Director, Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre, Geneva
2. Sabir Abu Saadia, Chairman, Darfur Solidarity Group, Pretoria, South Africa.
3. Ahmed Mohammed Mohammadain, Chairman, Darfur Call, Netherlands
4. Ahmed Guma, Vice Chairman, Darfur Union in the Netherlands
5. Dr. Abdelgabar Adam, President, Darfur Human Rights Organisation of the USA, Philadelphia
6. Abdelmageed Salih Haroun, Chairman, Human Rights Network for Democracy, New York
Geneva, 21 November 2012

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