حملة توقيعات على رسالة لوزارة الخارجية الالمانية لايقاف مؤتمر دعم نظام الابادة

أطلق نشطاء سودانيون حملة للتوقيع على رسالة لوزارة الخارجية الالمانية لالغاء استضافتها لمؤتمر اقتصادى لدعم حكومة المؤتمر الوطنى .
وتؤكد الرسالة بان اى دعم اقتصادى لنظام الخرطوم سيؤدى الى مزيد من الجرائم ضد الانسانية وجرائم الحرب ضد المدنيين فى السودان .
والرسالة مطروحة للتوقيع على موقع آفاز .avaaz.org.
وتدعو (حريات) قراءها الكرام للتوقيع على الرسالة على الرابط :
(نص الرسالة ادناه)
To be delivered to:
Germany’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Guido Westerwelle
We appeal to your excellency to beware of another potential state-sponsored terror wickedly wrapped in a human face and faith and a business-as-usual disguise as an investment and economic affair labelled as a conference. We are referring to the visit of Mr. Ali Karti the Foreign Minster of Sudan to Germany scheduled for January 29th, 2013. Any debt relief or economic assistance to this regime will be manifested in more crimes against humanity and innocent civilians in Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, and Darfur unless the Government of Sudan stops the war and the daily aerial bombarding of children, women, and elderly and opens access for humanitarian assistance to civilians in the affected areas. We urgently ask the Government of Germany to cancel this conference and take more responsible actions to lead the international efforts to stop such crimes against humanity by putting an end to the ongoing genocide, protecting civilians and ending the war in Sudan

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